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CYL688.VIP China launches first reusable, returnable test satellite

发布日期:2025-01-06 19:47    点击次数:86

BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- China sent its first reusable and returnable test satellite, the Shijian-19, into space on Friday, using a Long March-2D rocket for the launch.

The rocket blasted off at 6:30 p.m. (Beijing Time) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.

比赛结束后,鲁尼那脸色可不好看,在接受采访时也是满脸的无奈。他说道:“这比赛结果真的太让人沮丧啦!咱好好回顾一下这场比赛,上半场的时候咱球队那表现简直绝了,不管是球在脚下的时候,还是在无球跑位、防守啥的,都做得相当出色。” 可话锋一转,彩娱乐专线鲁尼又皱着眉头说:“但是呢,让我特别失望的是,那三个丢球里有两个球咱防守做得太差劲了,咱这球员啊,还是太天真了点,在防守意识和处理球上不够成熟啊。”

The Shijian-19 satellite has realized a number of technological breakthroughs, and will significantly enhance the technical level and application efficiency of China's returnable satellites.

It was the 537th flight mission of the Long March series rockets.  ■CYL688.VIP

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